Upcoming Singapore Heritage Releases

It’s been awhile since we last released any Singapore Heritage figures. So for those of you who are anticipating new additions, we have some updates here to whet your appetite with!


These are our latest work-in-progress pics of our upcoming releases, at varying stages of production. Painting has been added, but some figures are not finalised yet as we are still tweaking the colours.

1) Ice Ball Seller (Work-In-Progress)

These are not the final colours. We’re still making some refinements.


2) Old Singapore / Malaya Shophouse Models (Work-In-Progress)

There will be 2 designs, each with a different colour scheme and facade. And to make the sets more complete, there’ll also be a tailor and cobbler shop vendor available.


3) Indian Lady Shopping (Work-In-Progress)


4) CHIJ Girls Playing Five Stones (Work-In-Progress)


5) 1950s Policeman (Coming Soon!)

Our Policeman figure is already completed and will be available very soon!


6) Live Chicken Seller (Coming Soon!)

Our Chicken Seller figure is already completed and will be available very soon!


7) Trishaw Rider with Customer (Coming Soon!)

Our Trishaw Rider figure is already completed and will be available very soon!


Stay tuned! These will all be in 1/26 scale and compatible with our existing Singapore Heritage collection.
For those of you with 1/30 collections, you may be wondering if our figures will fit. Check out our earlier post where we outline the difference.

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