Gift Set Order from 12SIB

When someone receives a gift as elaborate as this, you know he has to be a respected and cherished person in the Brigade. That is what we figured when the 12th Singapore Infantry Brigade (12SIB) ordered this gift set from us.

It consists of 4 figurines:

The figurines surround a Terrex and are each mounted on a wooden pedestal with inscriptions of his appointments. Together, they form a snapshot of the commander’s career serving in the Singapore Army.

Behind the figures stand the country state flag, Ministry of Defence flag and Singapore Army flag.

12SIB Gift Set 1

12SIB Gift Set 2

12SIB Gift Set 3

12SIB Gift Set Close Up

12SIB Gift Set - Soldier in No. 1 Ceremonial Dress

This was a rather unique set that we had not done before. In fact, most of it was the customerā€™s idea, and we were a little apprehensive about pulling it off. But in the end, weā€™re very pleased with how it turned out. šŸ˜Š

Thanks, 12SIB, for the opportunity to make this gift of appreciation for you guys!

Note: Terrex vehicle was supplied by customer.

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